consistent adj. 1.一致的,协调的,相容的,不矛盾的 (with); 首尾一贯的。 2.言行一致的;坚定的,有操守的。 3.坚实的,密实的,稠的,浓厚的。 a policy consistent with public good 符合公众利益的政策。 the firm and consistent policy 坚定不移的方针。 He is not consistent in his statement. 他的陈述前后不符。 adv. -ly
The positions of the two lines are consistent with this supposition . 两条线的位置是这种假定相符的。
Any value consistent with (3. 44) can result from a measurement . 符合(344)的任何值都能从测量中得到。
People behave in a fashion consistent with their own self-interest . 人们的行为总是与其切身利益相一致的。
Such crude resolves are consistent with the infatuation of the men of rome . 这种粗陋的决策,与罗马人喜欢痴心妄想的本性是完全吻合的。
This low time constant is consistent with the stability requirements of close-loop control systems . 这低时间常数是符合闭回路控制系统中稳定性的要求的。
Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischaemia in vivo is consistent with this . 与此一致是,在体外自溶时和在体内局部贫血时,它们出色地幸存下来。
This conclusion is consistent with the idea that all atomic nuclear are built wholly of neutrons and protons . 这个结论与如下的思想是一致的:所有的原子核全部由中子和质子组成。
He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment . 他认为在这种下流的修正提案上花费时间是与市议会的尊严不相符的。
consistent withとは意味:《be ~》(意見{いけん}?行動{こうどう}などが)~と一致{いっち}する、~と調和{ちょうわ}する The witness testified, and it was consistent with other testimony heard. 証人は証言をしたが、それはほかから聞かれた内容と一致していた。 The theory and practice are not always cons...